

This page of our website will be used to provide useful information and resources on wellbeing which parents might find helpful at home. They will link closely with the work we will be doing in school across all four year groups. 

In September, pupils were introduced to the Zones of Regulation to help them recognise and respond appropriately and sensitively to their own feelings.  This is helped by using the strategies from the work we started last year on the “5 ways to Wellbeing” (or the “Feelgood Fingers” for those of you recently from Highbury)

The ability to recognise how we are feeling and what, if anything, we could or should do to respond to this is an important step for all of us in staying mentally healthy.

Do ask your children to tell you about the Zones of Regulation and how they are using this in their class. Remember, there are no bad or wrong feelings, but there can be choices to make about how we respond to them.

Resource Brief Description (if appropriate)
Zones Poster This poster is displayed throughout the school and highlights the four zones and the vocabulary associated with each
Five ways hand The graphic pupils will be familiar with relating to the Five Ways to Wellbeing, simply showing the associated strategies for good mental health
‘Feel Good Fingers’ Song Pupils will be familiar with this song from their time at Highbury Infants
iGROWco – OurFamilyFlow Suggestions for wellbeing activities together with a blank family timetable
iGROWco – ActsofKindness 101 examples of small acts of kindness which could make a huge difference
Resilience Boat This simple worksheet is for primary pupils to help them identify the things in their life that make them feel safe right now
Stress Relief Giraffe A useful info-graphic giving strategies for when your child is ‘getting a little stressed’ produced by CAMHS
Self Care for Kids A self-help graphic for pupils with some useful tips
10 Things to Say Some useful phrases for parents to use when children are getting upset
Resilience in Children Resources following Leah Brennan’s talk to parents about resilience in children
Loneliness Online A recommendation from Mrs McConnell Smith in relation to Online Safety
Primary School Resources Details of a few useful resources from Phase – a local well-being charity who work in schools
Just Talk 2022 Useful information and resources from Herts County Council for parents in relation to ‘Just Talk 2022’
Understanding Your Child The slide deck from Sophie Brown’s (our EMHP) parent workshop on Understanding Your Child’s Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviours