Our Governors and Their Roles

Our Whitehill Governors

Should you wish to discuss anything with any of our governors, please address correspondence care of Whitehill School.

Name   Governor Type Specific Role Term of Office Register of Business / Pecuniary Interests Register of Financial Interests Relationship to a member of staff or relative
Mr Steve Mills   Headteacher   N/A Wife is Assistant Head at Hitchin Girls’ School None Father of Matthew  – current Teaching Assistant
Dr Sarah Backhouse   Associate Governor (no voting rights)   N/A None None None
Mrs Heidi Burniston   Associate Governor
(voting rights in Curriculum committee)
  N/A None None None
Mrs Kate Campbell-Flint   Parent Governor  Vice-Chair of Resources Oct 2021 – 2025 None None None
Dr Jon Clayden   Associate Governor Vice-Chair of Curriculum N/A Local Councillor  None None
Mrs Laura Cole   Co-opted Governor Chair of Curriculum Committee / Safeguarding Governor (incl. web filtering) Mar 2024 – 2028 Employee at Hitchin Girls’ School None None
Ms Jumoke Cox   Co-opted Governor Joint Vice-Chair of Governors Nov 2022 – 2026 None None None
Mrs Emma Dorrell   Co-opted Governor Joint Vice-Chair of Governors June 2022 – 2026 None None None
Mrs Ellie Jarman   Staff Governor   July 2021 – 2025 None None None
Dr Margot Kalmus   Parent Governor   Feb 2024 – 2028 None None None
Mrs Kelly King   Clerk Clerks for the FGB   Employee of Herts for Learning None None
Mrs Claire Lanni   Clerk Clerks for Committees   Employee at Whitehill Junior School None None
Mrs Anna Pargeter   Co-opted Governor Chair of Resources Committee Nov 2020 – 2024 Employee at Hitchin Girls’ School
Trustee and treasurer at Hitchin District Scout Council
None None
Dr Wendie Ray   Local Authority Governor Chair of Governors Apr 2023 – 2027 None None None
Mrs Tracy Wilson   Co-opted Governor Vice-Chair of Curriculum Nov 2020 – 2024 None None None

For a more detailed overview of the governing body, you may wish to take a look at our ‘Meet the Governors‘ document by selecting that link.

Governors’ Meetings and Attendance List (2022-2023 and 2023-2024)

The School Governors meet at least once per term as a full governing body and then, between times, smaller committees meet, focusing on the details of specific areas. Details of the members of each committee and their attendance at meetings can be found below. 

Full Governing Body

  28th Sept 2022 30th Nov 2022 16th March 2023 18th May 2023 28th June 2023 27th Sept 2023 22nd Nov 2023 14th March 2024 16th May 2024
  In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person
Mr Steve Mills Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Samantha Addison (no longer governor) Y
Dr Sarah Backhouse Y Y Y
Mrs Heidi Burniston Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Kate Campbell-Flint Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Jon Clayden Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Mrs Laura Cole Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N
Ms Jumoke Cox Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y
Mrs Emma Dorrell Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y
Mrs Ellie Jarman Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y
Dr Margot Kalmus Y Y
Mrs Anna Pargeter Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Wendie Ray Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mr Alasdair Weir (no longer governor) Y Y N Y Y Y N
Mrs Tracy Wilson Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y


Curriculum Committee

  8th June 2022 20th Oct 2022 2nd March 2023 8th June 2023 19th Oct 2023 29th Feb 2024 6th June 2024
  In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person
Mr Steve Mills Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Sam Addsion (no longer governor) N
Dr Sarah Backhouse Y Y
Mrs Heidi Burniston Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Jon Clayden Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Laura Cole Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Ms Jumoke Cox Y Y Y Y
Mrs Emma Dorrell Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Ellie Jarman Y Y Y N Y Y Y
Dr Margot Kalmus Y Y
Dr Wendie Ray N Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Tracy Wilson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y


Resources Committee (Premises, Finance and Personnel) 

  13th Oct 2022 9th March 2023 18th May 2023 22nd June 2023 12th October 2023 28th Feb 2024 16th May 2024
  In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person In Person
Mr Steve Mills Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Sarah Backhouse Y
Mrs Kate Campbell-Flint Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Jon Clayden Y N
Ms Jumoke Cox Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mrs Emma Dorrell Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Margot Kamlus Y Y
Mrs Anna Pargeter Y Y Y Y Y Y
Dr Wendie Ray Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mr Alasdair Weir (no longer governor) Y N Y Y Y