8.35am | Pupils can arrive and go straight to their classes |
8.45am | School day starts and register taken |
10.30am – 10.45am | Morning break |
12.00 | Lunchtime |
1.00pm | Afternoon lessons begin |
3.15pm | End of the school day |
Start and finish times
Children can come into their classrooms from 8.35am each morning ready for the start of the school day at 8.45am – our official start time, when the school register is called. They should not wait on the playgrounds when they arrive. This self-regulated time, extending through to 8.55am, which we refer to as a ‘soft start’ allows pupils to talk with their teacher; to catch up with their friends and generally settle in a very relaxed way. Pupils who arrive after 8.45am should enter the school via the front door and report to the school office.
School finishes at 3.15am and staff are always around at the end of the day to make sure the pupils have all been collected. If you ever find you are running late, please don’t panic and if you are able to, please let the school office know. We will keep your child safe until you arrive.
Access to the school
There are two pedestrian access gates into school – one in Whitehill Road and the other in Sunnyside Road. Children and parents should only use these two gates and not the vehicle gates on Whitehill Road. These can be very busy during the school run and therefore this is for safety reasons.
The car park is only for the use of school staff and deliveries. If driving into school is unavoidable, for example in an emergency, we ask that you keep the narrow section of driveway outside of the main entrance clear. Parking is possible in the roads around the school and we ask that you are respectful of our neighbours and their driveways etc.
Most children will walk to school and there is a crossing patrol on Whitehill Road and traffic lights on Stevenage Road.
Lunchtime at Whitehill is from midday until 1.00pm. School Lunches are provided by Herts Catering Limited and details around ordering can be found here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lanni in our school office.
Some pupils have a packed lunch which is eaten in the dining room. Please ensure these are nut free due to potential issues around allergies.
After their meal pupils will either attend lunchtime clubs or socialise on the playgrounds or field where they can join in some of the organised activities or have some free time to chat or play with their friends.
Wraparound Care
For details of the school’s wraparound provision, please click here.