The Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice (2015) requires all local authorities to describe the special educational provision it expects to be available for children and young people who have SEND. This information describes the arrangements schools should have in place for Hertfordshire children and young people with SEND. (Throughout this document, numbers in brackets refer to the SEND Code of Practice (2015)
The SEND Code of Practice (2015) says we must:
- Have regard to the principles underpinning the code of practice to ensure the views, wishes and feelings of the child or young person, and the child’s parents, are central to achieving the best possible educational and other outcomes. (1.1)
- Use our best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they require.
- Appoint a SENCO who must be a qualified teacher working at the school. If required, they must achieve the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination within three years of appointment. (This does not apply to 16 to 19 academies.)
- Take steps to ensure that children with medical conditions get the support required to meet those needs. (5.11 and 6.11)
- Publish and update at least annually the SEN information report.
- Publish our arrangements for admissions and our accessibility plan.
- Co-operate with the local authority in the education, health and care plan review process (6.56) and in reviewing the provision that is available locally (Chapter 3) and in developing the Local Offer.
Our Vision:
‘All children and young people at Whitehill School with SEND have access to high quality local provision that meets their needs.’
Our Jointly Agreed Commitments:
- every child and young person will have their needs identified and assessed.
- every child and young person is entitled to high quality provision appropriate for her or his individual needs.
- schools, early years settings, colleges, services, agencies and the LA have a shared accountability for ensuring children and young people achieve good outcomes.
- there will be a continuum of provision matched to need, with as many children and young people as possible having their needs met in universal settings.
- roles and accountabilities will be clear and focused on the needs of the child and young person.
- information, funding and decision making will be transparent and without unnecessary bureaucracy.
- resources will be used effectively and equitably.
- there will be a focus on developing preventative and early intervention approaches.
- children, young people and their parents participate fully in decisions about provision and services.
- schools, early years settings and colleges will work collectively to share effective practice and make best use of resources.
- the LA will facilitate capacity building so that local schools, early years settings and colleges are able to meet the needs of children and young people.
- co-ordinated and integrated approaches will be developed and maintained with other agencies and voluntary organisations.
We will make high quality provision that meets the needs of children and young people with SEND through:
- High quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised. (6.37)
- Fully including children and young people and their families in the life of the school.
- Responding to the particular needs of children and young people with SEND in specific circumstances (10.0), including children looked after.
- Having a clear approach to identifying those who require SEN Support at the earliest point. (6.14)
- Using a graduated approach, in the form of a four part cycle of assess, plan, do and review, through which decisions and actions are made, revisited, refined and revised. (6.44)
- Removing barriers to learning and putting effective SEN provision in place. (6.44)
- Evidencing the use of reasonable adjustments, ensuring access to the curriculum, written word and learning environment. (1.34)
- Using provision mapping and management to maintain an overview of the programmes and interventions used with different groups of pupils, providing a basis for monitoring. (6.76 and 6.77)
- Ensuring the SENCO, working with senior leaders and the governing body, determines the strategic development of SEN policy and provision. (6.87)
- Evaluating the effectiveness of special educational provision, through normal school improvement systems. (4.32)
- Strategically planning professional development to secure enhanced expertise for all staff working regularly with children and young people. (4.32)
We will improve short and long term outcomes for children and young people with SEND through:
- Promoting high expectations and ensuring all children and young people achieve their best. (6.1)
- Ensuring teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. (6.4)
- Developing the effectiveness of the teaching and learning through the monitoring and evaluation approaches used in the school. (6.74)
- Ensuring use of the graduated approach, fully engages with parents, children and young people and clearly evidences progress towards outcomes.
- Supporting the emotional, mental and social development of children and young people, including providing extra support for listening to the views of children and young people and measures to prevent bullying. (4.32)
- Thorough planning and preparation for the transitions between phases in education and preparation for adult life. (6.57)
We will communicate sensitively, appropriately and effectively with parents, children and young people with SEND, engendering trust, confidence, respect and constructive partnership working through:
- Ensuring that children and young people and their parents have fully participated in discussions and have a sense of co-ownership of desired outcomes.
- Keeping a record of the agreed outcomes, actions and support and sharing this with families and appropriate school staff. (6.71)
- Informing parents when we are making special educational provision for their child. (6.43)
- Arranging meetings with parents at least three times each year, allowing sufficient time to explore the parents’ views and to plan effectively. Meetings should, wherever possible, be aligned with the normal cycle of discussions with parents of all pupils. They will, however, be longer than most parent-teacher meetings. (6.69)
We will manage resources for SEN through a transparent approach that is fair, meets the needs of children and young people with SEND and achieves best value for money through:
- Deploying the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet pupils’ needs fairly and effectively. (6.9)
- Regularly reviewing how expertise and resources can be used to improve the quality of whole-school provision. (6.3)
- Managing provision to contribute to school improvement by identifying particular patterns of need and potential areas of development for teaching staff. (6.77)
- Ensuring a named member of the governing body or a sub-committee has specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for SEN and disability. (6.3)
Work proactively and collaboratively to improve SEND provision through:
- Participating in the development and delivery of local services through DSPL groups.
- Working with health and social care, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations. (6.79)
- Agreeing actions that ensure successful transitions between schools, phases, year groups, lessons as appropriate. (6.42)
- Cooperating with the local authority to respond where possible with recommendations from all SEND strategy work-streams (2015-2018).
- Cooperating with the local authority to review and develop the Local Offer through their SEN Information Report.
- Regular review, monitoring and evaluation, including the views, experiences and involvement of pupils, parents and others.